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Witch's Night In: March

Dear Cuties,

My name is Julia and I'm a devoted homebody, writer, and witch--in that order. As a self-proclaimed queen-of-coziness, I am so excited to be starting the monthly column, "Witch's Night In." My goal here is to create space for all witches, weirdos, and rebels to take a breather, do some crafts, nurture ourselves, and make some healing magic in the process. The world right now is tough. It's on us to make it less tough, and we have to take care of ourselves in order to make that happen.

My bedroom in Providence, where I am a current Junior at Brown University, is my favorite place in the world. When I think about deliberate manifestation (the idea of creating what you want to see in the world), I think about decorating the space I occupy most intimately. My deliberate manifestation currently entails:

I am no expert in the witchy world, but you don't have to be either. At a reading by writer-witch Michelle Tea (who you should look up immediately if you haven't already), she spoke to an audience member's question about memorizing the tarot deck. She gave the listener this piece of advice: "You have your whole life to learn this stuff, slow down and enjoy it." I am still learning and I'm sure you are too. That's very cool. Let's forge into the vast unknown that is coolness together

As a sexual assault survivor who deals with frequent panic attacks, finding sustainable ways to care for myself is an essential part of my life, art, and activism. Through practicing spells, developing rituals, and exploring the worlds of tarot, Wicca, and magic, I have had some of my most profound and empowering experiences of self-care. These experiences have allowed me to go beyond maintaining my sanity--each moment I spend becoming a better witch is a moment in which my life belongs to me a little bit more. I want to share spells using things you already have in your bedroom, fridge, or pockets. I want to share rituals you can do while on the bus or walking to class. Everything I share will be a starting point-- always something for you to move around and make your own! There will be face masks. There will be journaling prompts. It'll be one big sleepover and it'll be amazing.

If you have any questions or requests, write me at

Until next time, lots of love and lots of glitter, Julia