
Since it is the beginning of February, and this is often the time when people reflect on their New Year’s resolutions, I decided to take some time to look back in my journal. I like to write a list of things that I hope to manifest in the New Year, and in looking back, I was surprised by how many of the things did come to fruition in my life. Of course the larger wishes, such as taking my mother on a wine-tasting trip in France, are still off in the future. If you like, I encourage you to also write down the things you wish to manifest in the next year / your life. Writing it down, saying it aloud, and thinking positively about it will attract what you want to you. According to the Law of Attraction: energy follows thought.

So here are the wishes that I did manifest this past year.

intermediate poetry class and good relation with the Professor


Before this year, I was not sure that I would get into or have time to take this course, however the Professor did let me take his intermediate class and I fit it into my schedule. Furthermore, I made an active effort to talk to him after class when I could. I have learned so much from this Professor since, about poetry and everything. He emulates living through appreciation, contemplation, and gratitude. As a result of my great experience in his class, I am taking his advanced workshop this semester with many of the same classmates.

write more poetry

This goal was manifested mostly through taking the poetry class. Reading new poetry and learning about the most influential poets really influenced my writing. After hearing Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl”, I wrote a poem in a similar style and it was the first piece that I was honestly proud of, maybe ever. I received the biggest compliment when someone read it and said that it reminded her of “Howl”. We had never discussed it, and she did not know that I was the poet, but she heard the connection.

no bitches in my life

I do not mean this is a mean way, but this was really written to be clear with myself. If someone is mean directly to me or who consistently has a negative energy, I know that I do not need to keep that person in my life. Since being at University, I have only had one experience which made me back away from a friendship. I will never exclude anyone, if they want to talk I am always willing, but it is simply meant to remind me to remove myself from an unwanted situation if necessary, instead of letting myself get hurt by an emotional vampire. Since writing this wish, I have not experienced any negativity in my friendships. In fact, as I am sure many can relate to, my friendships continue to grow and strengthen. The important thing is to have the intention of being a good friend, and that will attract good friends in return.

growing closer to my roommate


This is one of those that I had no doubt was going to happen. My roommate and I get along wonderfully. She is truly a soul sister. I knew my roommate last year and we have grown so much closer together since sharing an apartment. Living with her is so easy and enjoyable. Not only has our friendship grown but she has also significantly improved the breadth of my social life, as she introduces me to all of her amazing friends.

love my body

I will be the first to recognize that while self-love is so important, it is not always easy. Sometimes it is easier to point out all of the things we hate about ourselves. I am constantly working on this manifestation. Every day is an opportunity to express self-love. First it is necessary to love yourself, so that you can give love to others. It may seem difficult to convince your comparative mind to love yourself. All you have to do is practice mindfulness. Imagine the amount of care and compassion that you would give to the person you love most in this world, and recognize that you also deserve that amount of love. Whatever makes you feel great, do more of that. For me, I feel great when I run and do yoga. Learning a new pose or stand makes me proud. Exercise and eating well keeps me feeling great. Be proud of your body and all that you can accomplish in it.

I hope that this short list inspires you to manifest your desires this year. You have the power to create within yourself. Set goals, stay dedicated, play, stay in health, be gentle, be generous, and listen to yourself.

Love, Sophie

By Sophie Laettner, Duke University

Alexandra Davis