Black Lives Matter.

We stand with George Floyd. We stand with Breonna Taylor. We stand with Tony McDade. We stand with Ahmaud Arbery. We stand with every black woman, man, and child who has lost their life to racially-fueled violence. We stand with those on the just side of history, fighting for justice and the end of racism, racial oppression, and discrimination. 

Black Lives Matter, today and every day.

Coven is committed to actively fighting against Anti-Blackness and racism that is perpetrated on the streets and upheld by our institutions. We will use our platform to house a list of resources that we will work to update, including anti-racist books to read and discuss, movies and podcasts to watch and listen to, organizations and funds to donate your time and money, among other helpful links.

We also want to use this moment to spark a conversation. No one is born racist or antiracist; antiracism is a set of actions, guided by core beliefs. Becoming antiracist is often a process that requires time and effort spent engaging in a process of learning with yourself and others. We are committed to this process and continuous conversation that will live on our platforms, and we invite you, our wonderful community, to join the conversation. 

We are proud of our sisters, brothers, and every damn human who stand in protest of the countless black lives lost, and who act in solidarity for a better future. 

Everyone has a role to play in fighting individual, interpersonal, institutional, and structural racism, as well as their own implicit biases. Even when protests slow down, legislation is changed, people are prosecuted, and news of this movement falls to the back of newspapers, we MUST continue this fight. In the words of Angela Davis, “You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.” So, let us come together and act. Listen. Converse. Learn. Donate. Read. Watch. Protest. Demand change. Fight for a brighter future.