We were always ill. always miffed.
Always something slightly wrong, though we didn’t
choose to remember it. Chose not to photograph the sour stomachs,
tract infections, smeary things coming out of us, since
They fled from us immediately, anyway. as did anything that made this time
less than perfect.
In truth,
We complained constantly.
We were always hungry. Fighting off nausea.
Usually worried. Always tired.
We traded these things
like the card game war.
We were more often warm. More often drunk. Less often slick and squirmy, though our memories exaggerate
We were more often in love, with each other or with the squirrels.
The girls we talked about in the square.
We were more often in love with each other, though we forgot every morning.
Though we overemphasized with the passing of a year
We were happy because of course we were. We were always fed.
We controlled the thermostat, entirely, ourselves.
Someone always had bubbles. Someone always was laughing
easily, and often.
Though we forgot it every morning.
Though we overemphasized with the passing of a year
In the moment, we were bitter.
Over each other. Over ourselves.
In a day, we would drop everything.
but the bubbles. and the square
By Anna Muthalaly
Current female health advocate, over-analyzer, and Duke Student.