The Year to Keep Our Resolutions



2020 is a year that drastically changed the way we live our everyday life. As we daringly jump into 2021, we must try to transform the stress and helplessness of the previous year. New Year's resolutions might have fallen to the wayside as we have settled into the next chapter of our lives, however, as cliche as it might sound, these resolutions can create structure for self improvement during the year ahead. This year my most important and prioritized resolution is self care. Self care is an important part of being connected with oneself; the smallest change can have a massively positive impact. 

If one of your resolutions was exercise, something you can do to incorporate it into your everyday life is simply moving your body in ways that feel joyful. Moving your body is important in a time where most of society is living a sedentary lifestyle. This resolution may seem boring, but there are ways to make exercise more exciting. Whether it is taking a walk around your neighborhood, having an all out dance party, following training videos online, or taking virtual classes, wellness is an important priority. Personally, I love starting and ending everyday with Youtuber Sara Beth's yoga videos. Whether it is a morning strength training or night time stretching video, I find yoga helps me push myself physically and connect mentally with my own wellbeing.



Taking some time away from your screen is also a great way to practice self-care. Since we’ve all been glued to our devices during the pandemic, limiting screen time can improve sleep, better academic performance and lower one’s BMI. Not only is sitting in front of your computer all day bad for your skin, but it is detrimental for your mental health. Investing into a world of false realities harms our tender psychology from living through a pandemic. So, stepping away for a cleanse is more beneficial than you might think. You can use your newfound free time to connect with nature and the people you care about. If you have fallen off this initial resolution because stepping away from technology completely was too much too fast, you can always turn off your devices’ notifications. No ringtones or phone vibrations might help you live in the moment and really take in every second of your day more effectively. Journaling is another form of self-care that might be a better alternative to scrolling through a feed. Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a great way to let off some steam and truthfully recap on your day or week.

While I was home for winter holidays, my mom and sister inspired me to practice my homemade cooking skills because they were always trying new recipes and dishes in the kitchen. Don’t be scared to step away from the delivery menus and do some cooking! Following a recipe to try something new can be exciting and therapeutic. If you’re looking for more comfort cooking, baking your homemade cookie or brownie recipe and curling up with your favorite book is a great way to spend some time nurturing yourself and your needs. My sister made different pasta recipes such as the famous spicy vodka pasta and fettuccine. My mom prepared the most delicious enchiladas with her new Instapot. The small act of communal cooking gave us something to do together and added a little excitement to our rather straightforward daily routine. This summer, I really want to spend time with them and learn new dishes that I can make in my new apartment. Having my own independent space to motivate me to learn a new skill has been very beneficial. I am grateful for that privilege.



Lastly, self care can look like spending time with the people you care about. Whether virtually or safely in person, make memories with the people you hold closest to you. If 2020 has taught us anything: life is short, make sure the people you love know you care for them. This resolution is easier said than done, but even a small text telling someone you were thinking about them can make all the difference in the world.

Practicing self care as a New Year’s resolution can be, and is, difficult at times. But, it is an important skill to practice in order to experience good health and genuine happiness. It is okay to wake up and not feel like exercising and wanting to order a pizza instead. The important thing is that you don’t give up and continue to preserve, even if it feels hard. Self care is about loving and feeling confident in yourself, and that is how we should strive to feel all of 2021.

By Madi Esmailbeigi

UT Austin student, lover of all things television and movies and Soulcycle enthusiast. Writes because words can change everything.

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