Witch's Night In

May Makeup Magic

Dear Cuties,

    Makeup is, without a doubt, one of my favorite things in the world. I love the way it looks, the way it smells, the way it sounds when some compact snaps open and closed. I love researching it, taking my time to find that perfect maroon lipstick — matte, but not too drying; vampy, but not too purple (if you have recommendations, please let me know.) I love the ritual of putting it on.

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Makeup is an underrated tool of empowerment, and I don't just mean that in a "bringing out your natural beauty" way. To me, makeup is pure self-authorship. It lets me create the exact way I want to appear in the world, then go out into the world with that as armor. Makeup can do so many things: create new features, conceal others, affirm gender, fuck with gender, seduce (and destroy), etc. And, on top of all of this, it’s just so much fun. It really is.

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When it comes to my anxiety and PTSD symptoms, mornings are pretty rough. I suffer from frequent night terrors that leave me feeling dissociated and panicked first thing in the morning. However, doing my makeup helps a lot – it calms me down, it brings me back into my body, and it makes me feel more capable. I can't totally explain it but knowing that I get to sit down and "put on my face" motivates me to take that first step out of bed like nothing else does.

    I take the ritual very seriously. I set my alarm early if need be — it’s a priority. I brew my coffee, pick out my outfit, and set the background scene: podcast, string lights, scented candle. Certain parts of the process (priming, blushing, tiny strokes of eyebrow pencil) are meditative, requiring calm, repetitive motions. But others (sharp contour, winged eyeliner, liquid lipstick) are precise and subject to daily change, requiring my utmost focus and confidence. No matter how I was feeling when I started doing my makeup, I always feel just a little bit better by the time I am finished. It never fails.

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    One of my favorite ways to incorporate a little witchiness into my makeup routine is “color magic.” “Color magic” is essentially manifesting intentions through the use of specific colors. Most often, this is done through candles or crystals, but it can be applied to almost anything: food, clothes, playlist titles, color-coded journaling, and makeup.  

    The exact "meanings" of each color are incredibly personal and up for interpretation, so over the years, I've developed my own associations and attachments with them. Here are some basic definitions:

Red: strength, passion, survival

Blue: luck, focus, forgiveness

Yellow: pleasure, happiness, memory

Green: prosperity, physical and emotional healing

Purple: wisdom, spiritual power, independence

Black: protection, grounding, wisdom

White: unity, cleansing, balance

Pink: love, compassion, spiritual and emotional healing

Orange: creativity, expression, vitality

Brown: concentration, stability, connection with physical world

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    Try out these colors and see what they mean to you. Dig up that purple lipstick you spent way too much on at Sephora (and never actually wore). As you put it on, think about your independence: all the ways you are a bad bitch who consistently and lovingly holds yourself up. Think about your power: your ability to get things done, create the change you want to see, and influence those around you. When it fades and you re-apply a few hours later, remind yourself again of these self-affirmations.

    Try on some green eyeshadow and remind yourself of the times you've moved on from heartbreak, how you never thought you'd get over that shitty ex, but here you are, happier and better than ever without them. Take out that pink blush and remember the power you have to translate your compassion for those you love into action. Have fun with this! After all, it washes off.



being soft is, like, the strongest thing!


Red & Black: get. what's. yours. ;)


Blue & Green: you are prepared! you are unstoppable! you are magic!



         So next time you sit in front of the mirror, remember this: you're a glam witch.    




Until next time, lots of love and lots of glitter,




As always, if you have any questions, requests, or want to send me a really great selfie, I can be reached at julia.m.horwitz@gmail.com.




RavesAlexandra Davis